Dominik Schlienger, dmus

I am a musician/researcher with a keen interest in the role of technology in music and society. I am a music-technology practitioner and developer, and I have taught workshops and classes in music technology and free improvisation over the last 10 years. My research explores ethical implications of technology in the sonic arts and the possibilities of sustainable practices in music technology. My recent thesis on agency in technology, explores the ethical questions of appropriation and responsibility in the usage of technical tools.

I am a founding member and project manager of Finnish registered association GaiaStage Ry. GaiaStage is an activist research project in response to climate change — It explores the possibilities of direct action through appropriated infrastructure in the field of performing arts. The initiative aims to raise awareness of environmental issues in the music industry and beyond, to provide a (low carbon) platform for artistic research and practices and to develop alternative, socially just economic models for infrastructure projects in the music industry.